Valtteri Bottas, Sauber, Miami International Autodrome, 2024

Penalty for impeding Piastri sends Bottas to back of grid

Formula 1

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Valtteri Bottas has been given a three-place grid penalty for the sprint race for impeding Oscar Piastri during qualifying.

The stewards ruled Sauber had failed to give Bottas any warning the McLaren driver was approaching him. Piastri caught Bottas at turn one after the Sauber driver completed a flying lap.

“On the straight before turn one, car 77 [Bottas] was being driven slowly on the racing line after finishing a fast lap, while car 81 [Piastri] was approaching on a fast lap. Car 81 and car 77 needed to take evasive action to avoid a collision.

“The primary responsibility rests with the driver to ensure that he does not place himself in a position whereby he unnecessarily impedes another driver. Here Car 77 was driving slowly on the racing line and caused to the situation that ensued.

“However, during the hearing both team and driver of Car 77 admitted that the team had not warned the driver of Car 77 that Car 81 was approaching on a fast lap. That was obviously an error on the team’s part and contributed significantly to the incident.”

Bottas’ grid drop only costs him two positions as he originally qualified 18th. The stewards did not issue any penalty points to him.

Bottas is unexpectedly working with a new race engineer this weekend after the team chose to replace Alex Chan, who filled the role until the last race. Although Bottas’ new engineer, Steven Petrik, gave him several warnings about traffic on several occasions earlier in the session, he failed to warn him about Piastri.

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“Fuck,!” exclaimed Bottas after he and Piastri collided at turn one. “That’s too late, man. I had no idea.” Petrik resumed giving him updates on traffic immediately afterwards.

On Thursday the driver said he had no say in who the team appointed to the role and when.

“It was quite a sudden change,” said Bottas. “Obviously it’s a sprint weekend, so working with a fresh guy will be not easy, but obviously [we’re] trying to make the most out of it. He’s getting a lot of support but it’s quite a sudden change.”

The change has come about as part of Sauber’s transition into Audi, which will rebrand the team in 2026, said Bottas. “It’s part of the kind of reconstruction for the team. There’s some people leaving, some people joining. And obviously many of those decisions are not in my hands. I don’t do those decisions.”

Updated: 2024 Miami Grand Prix sprint race grid

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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7 comments on “Penalty for impeding Piastri sends Bottas to back of grid”

  1. I keep being baffled that drivers over & over again continue driving slowly on the racing line, even though avoiding the racing line as much as possible should be a common sense thing, even more so when unsure whether someone is behind because of not getting info from race engineer or being unable to wholly tell from the mirrors, & moving away from it immediately after crossing the timing line is normally a muscle memory thing to do, so all on him.

    1. notagrumpyfan
      4th May 2024, 7:51

      And I’m disappointed that they (Bottas/team) seem to put all the blame on the racing engineer.
      The main responsibility should always lie with the driver.

      And moving is the racing line (and using your mirrors when crossing it) is not even something an engineer has to remind you of.

      1. notagrumpyfan Blaming his new race engineer was indeed unfair.

  2. He also had just travelled down 2 long straights, giving a good eyeline, so at any time he might have spotted Piastri in his mirrors. Particularly before turning in towards the apex. Seems dozy to me, so this time, this seems worthy of at least a penalty point. Although consequences of an action should not be considered by stewards, in my opinion the probability of serious consequences should be. In this case, this one could easily have sent Piastri rolling into the barriers.

    1. notagrumpyfan
      4th May 2024, 7:53

      so this time, this seems worthy of at least a penalty point

      I understand Alonso still has a few spare ones;)

    2. Alesici Yes, back straight & the full throttle run from the hairpin till the timing line, so he indeed should’ve been able to spot him in time & move away from the racing line to avoid getting tight with him.

  3. Lucky for Dan Ric that stroll is not right behind him…just behind and on the other side…should at least manage the first corner without a push

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